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Elegant SciPy ebook

Elegant SciPy. Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Stefan van der Walt, Harriet Dashnow

Elegant SciPy

ISBN: 9781491922873 | 250 pages | 7 Mb

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Elegant SciPy Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Stefan van der Walt, Harriet Dashnow
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated

Call for code nominations for Elegant SciPy! I think scipy.optimize.brute is what you're after. [melbourne-pug] Call for code nominations for Elegant SciPy! >>> from scipy.optimize import brute >>> a,f,g,j = brute(my_func,[param1_list,param2_list,. Go to SciPy 2015In " conference" Call for code nominations for Elegant SciPy! The SciPy ecosystem belongs to everyone Related. Is >>> there a more elegant way than what I have implemented below using >>> argmax()? My goal Clarifications about our book, Elegant SciPy (and our call for code submissions)In "programming". Import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as st A = data[data['x1' ]=='A']['x2'] Elegant numpy array shifting and NaN filling? This routine returns the indices and the max value. Elegant-scipy-submissions - Submissions of code snippets for the book Elegant SciPy. Juan Nunez-Iglesias> 2015-02-06 01:29:15 GMT. Noon Silk noonslists at SciPy is my favourite conference. Photo by Ian Rees (from the SciPy 2012 conference website) Clarifications about our book, Elegant SciPy (and our call for code submissions).

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